Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Revised GRE

[pic] GRADUATE RECORD EXAMINATIONS ® Practice General Test #1 Answer Key for Sections 1-4 Copyright  © 2010 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. ETS, the ETS logo, GRADUATE RECORD EXAMINATIONS, and GRE are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and other countries. Revised GRE ® Practice Test Number 1 Answer Key for Section 1. Verbal Reasoning. 25 Questions. Question 1 Answer: A. In various parts of the world, civilizations that could not make iron from ore fashioned tools out of fragments of iron from meteorites.Question 2 Answer: A. An increased focus on the importance of engaging the audience in a narrative Question 3 Answer: C. speak to Question 4 Answer: A. People with access to an electric washing machine typically wore their clothes many fewer times before washing them than did people without access to electric washing machines. Question 5 Answer: C. insular Answer in context: In the 1950’s, the country†™s inhabitants were insular: most of them knew very little about foreign countries. Question 6 Answer: E. insincereAnswer in context: Since she believed him to be both candid and trustworthy, she refused to consider the possibility that his statement had been insincere. Question 7 Answer: A. maturity Answer in context: It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying, that Romero at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of maturity. Question 8 Answer: C. comparing two scholarly debates and discussing their histories Question 9 Answer: D. identify a reason for a certain difference in the late 1970’s between the origins debate and the debate over American women’s status Question 10Answer: D. Their approach resembled the approach taken in studies by Wood and by Mullin in that they were interested in the experiences of people subjected to a system of subordination. Question 11 Answer: A. gave more attention to the experi ences of enslaved women Question 12 Answer: A. construe F. collude in Answer in context: The narratives that vanquished peoples have created of their defeat have, according to Schivelbusch, fallen into several identifiable types. In one of these, the vanquished manage to construe the victor’s triumph as the result of some spurious advantage, the victors being truly inferior where it counts.Often the winners collude in this interpretation, worrying about the cultural or moral costs of their triumph and so giving some credence to the losers’ story. Question 13 Answer: B. settled E. ambiguity G. similarly equivocal Answer in context: I’ve long anticipated this retrospective of the artist’s work, hoping that it would make settled judgments about him possible, but greater familiarity with his paintings highlights their inherent ambiguity and actually makes one’s assessment similarly equivocal.Question 14 Answer: A. a debased E. goose bumps Answer in con text: Stories are a haunted genre; hardly a debased kind of story, the ghost story is almost the paradigm of the form, and goose bumps was undoubtedly one effect that Poe had in mind when he wrote about how stories work. Question 15 Answer: C. patent E. improbable Answer in context: Given how patent the shortcomings of the standard economic model are in its portrayal of human behavior, the failure of many economists to respond to them is astonishing.They continue to fill the journals with yet more proofs of yet more improbable theorems. Others, by contrast, accept the criticisms as a challenge, seeking to expand the basic model to embrace a wider range of things people do. Question 16 Answer: B. startling D. jettison Answer in context: The playwright’s approach is startling in that her works jettison the theatrical devices normally used to create drama on the stage. Question 17 Answer: B. create F. logical Answer in context: Scientists are not the only persons who examine the world bout them by the use of rational processes, although they sometimes create this impression by extending the definition of â€Å"scientist† to include anyone who is logical in his or her investigational practices. Question 18 Answer: C. It presents a specific application of a general principle. Question 19 Answer: A. outstrip Question 20 Answer: B. It is a mistake to think that the natural world contains many areas of pristine wilderness. Question 21 Answer: C. coincident with Question 22 Sentence to be Completed:Dreams are BLANK in and of themselves, but, when combined with other data, they can tell us much about the dreamer. Answer: D. inscrutable, F. uninformative Question 23 Sentence to be Completed: Linguistic science confirms what experienced users of ASL—American Sign Language—have always implicitly known:   ASL is a grammatically BLANK language, as capable of expressing a full range of syntactic relations as any natural spoken language. Answer: A . complete, F. unlimited Question 24 Sentence to be Completed:The macromolecule RNA is common to all living beings, and DNA, which is found in all organisms except some bacteria, is almost as BLANK. Answer: D. universal, F. ubiquitous Question 25 Sentence to be Completed: Early critics of Emily Dickinson’s poetry mistook for simple-mindedness the surface of artlessness that in fact she constructed with such BLANK. Answer: B. craft, C. cunning This is the end of the answer key for Revised GRE Practice Test 1, Section 1. Revised GRE Practice Test Number 1 Answer Key for Section 2. Verbal Reasoning. 25 Questions. Question 1Sentence to be Completed: In the long run, high-technology communications cannot BLANK more traditional face-to-face family togetherness, in Aspinall’s view. Answer: C. supercede, F. supplant Question 2 Sentence to be Completed: Even in this business, where BLANK is part of everyday life, a talent for lying is not something usually found on one’s resume. Answer: B. mendacity, C. prevarication Question 3 Sentence to be Completed: A restaurant’s menu is generally reflected in its decor; however despite this restaurant’s BLANK appearance it is pedestrian in the menu it offers.Answer: A. elegant, F. chic (spelled C H I C) Question 4 Sentence to be Completed: International financial issues are typically BLANK by the United States media because they are too technical to make snappy headlines and too inaccessible to people who lack a background in economics. Answer: A. neglected, B. slighted Question 5 Sentence to be Completed: While in many ways their personalities could not have been more different—she was ebullient where he was glum, relaxed where he was awkward, garrulous where he was BLANK—they were surprisingly well suited.Answer: D. laconic, F. taciturn Question 6 Answer: D. spirituals Question 7 Answer: B. They had little working familiarity with such forms of American music as jazz, blues, and popular songs. Question 8 Answer: E. neglected Johnson’s contribution to classical symphonic music Question 9 Answer: C. The editorial policies of some early United States newspapers became a counterweight to proponents of traditional values. Question 10 Answer: A. insincerely Question 11 Answer: Blank 1 C. multifaceted Blank 2 F. extraneousAnswer in context: The multifaceted nature of classical tragedy in Athens belies the modern image of tragedy:   in the modern view tragedy is austere and stripped down, its representations of ideological and emotional conflicts so superbly compressed that there’s nothing extraneous for time to erode. Question 12 Answer: Blank 1 C. ambivalence Blank 2 E. successful Blank 3 H. assuage Answer in context: Murray, whose show of recent paintings and drawings is her best in many years, has been eminent hereabouts for a quarter century, although often regarded with ambivalence, but the most successful of these aintings assuage all doubts. Question 13 Answer: B. a doctrinaire Answer in context: Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960’s portrayed him as a doctrinaire thinker, eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like. Question 14 Answer: C. recapitulates Answer in context: Dramatic literature often recapitulates the history of a culture in that it takes as its subject matter the important events that have shaped and guided the culture. Question 15 Answer: E. ffirm the thematic coherence underlying Raisin in the Sun Question 16 Answer: C. The painter of this picture could not intend it to be funny; therefore, its humor must result from a lack of skill. Question 17 Answer: E. (Sentence 5) But the play’s complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible is no more â€Å"contradictory† than DuBois’s famous, well-considered ideal of ethnic self-awareness coexisting with huma n unity, or Fanon’s emphasis on an ideal internationalism that also accommodates national identities and roles. Question 18 Answer: C.Because of shortages in funding, the organizing committee of the choral festival required singers to purchase their own copies of the music performed at the festival. Question 19 Answer: Blank 1 C. mimicking Blank 2 D. transmitted to Answer in context: New technologies often begin by mimicking what has gone before, and they change the world later. Think how long it took power-using companies to recognize that with electricity they did not need to cluster their machinery around the power source, as in the days of steam. Instead, power could be transmitted to their processes.In that sense, many of today’s computer networks are still in the steam age. Their full potential remains unrealized. Question 20 Answer: Blank 1 B. opaque to Blank 2 D. an arcane Answer in context: There has been much hand-wringing about how unprepared American studen ts are for college. Graff reverses this perspective, suggesting that colleges are unprepared for students. In his analysis, the university culture is largely opaque to entering students because academic culture fails to make connections to the kinds of arguments and cultural references that students grasp.Understandably, many students view academic life as an arcane ritual. Question 21 Answer: Blank 1 C. defiant Blank 2 D. disregard for Answer in context: Of course anyone who has ever perused an unmodernized text of Captain Clark’s journals knows that the Captain was one of the most defiant spellers ever to write in English, but despite this disregard for orthographical rules, Clark is never unclear. Question 22 Answer: A. There have been some open jobs for which no qualified FasCorp employee applied. Question 23 Answer: C. presenting a possible explanation of a phenomenonQuestion 24 Two of the answer choices are correct: A. The pull theory is not universally accepted by scie ntists. B. The pull theory depends on one of water’s physical properties. Question 25 Answer: E. the mechanism underlying water’s tensile strength This is the end of the answer key for Revised GRE Practice Test 1, Section 2. Revised GRE Practice Test Number 1 Answer Key for Section 3. Quantitative Reasoning. 25  Questions. Question 1 Answer: A. Quantity A is greater. Question 2 Answer: BQuantity B is greater. Question 3 Answer: BQuantity B is greater. Question 4 Answer: D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Question 5 Answer: D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Question 6 Answer: A. Quantity A is greater. Question 7 Answer: D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Question 8 Answer: C. The two quantities are equal. Question 9 Answer: D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Question 10 Answer: B. [pic] three halves Question 11 Answer: The answer to q uestion 11 consists of four of the answer choices. A. 12 ° B. 15 ° C. 5 ° D. 50 ° Question 12 Answer: A. 10 Question 13 Answer: D. 15 Question 14 Answer: A. 299 Question 15 Answer: In question 15 you were asked to enter either an integer or a decimal number. The answer to question 15 is 3,600. Question 16 Answer: A. 8 Question 17 Answer: In question 17 you were asked to enter either an integer or a decimal number. The answer to question 17 is 250. Question 18 Answer: C. Three Question 19 Answer: B. Manufacturing. Question 20 Answer: A:5. 2 Question 21 Answer: B. More than half of the titles distributed by M are also distributed by L.Question 22 Answer: A. c  +  d Question 23 Answer: In question 23 you were asked to enter either an integer or a decimal. The answer to question 23 is 36. 5. Question 24 Answer: D. [pic] two fifths Question 25 Answer: D. [pic] three halves This is the end of the answer key for Revised GRE Practice Test 1, Section 3. Revised GRE Practice Test Number 1 Answer Key for Section 4. Quantitative Reasoning. 25   Questions. Question 1 Answer: A. Quantity A is greater. Question 2 Answer: D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Question 3 Answer: D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Question 4 Answer: D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Question 5 Answer: B. Quantity B is greater. Question 6 Answer: A. Quantity A is greater. Question 7 Answer: C. The two quantities are equal. Question 8 Answer: A. Quantity A is greater. Question 9 Answer: C. The two quantities are equal. Question 10 Answer: D:j  k  +  j Question 11 Answer: In question 11 you were asked to enter a fraction. The answer to question 11 is the fraction [pic] one over four. Question 12Answer: The answer to question 12 consists of four of the answer choices. B. $43,350 C. $47,256 D. $51,996 E. $53,808 Question 13 Answer: E. 676,000 Question 14 Answer: E. [pic] s squared m inus p squared Question 15 Answer: B. [pic] k minus 1 Question 16 Answer: B. 110,000 Question 17 Answer: B:3 to 1 Question 18 Answer: E. 1,250 Question 19 Answer: C:948 Question 20 Answer: The answer to question 20 consists of two answer choices. B. Students majoring in either social sciences or physical sciences constitute more than 50 percent of the total enrollment.C. The ratio of the number of males to the number of females in the senior class is less than 2 to 1. Question 21 Answer: B. [pic] 33 and 1 third percent Question 22 Answer: A. 12 Question 23 Answer: D. 4,400 Question 24 Answer: In question 24 you were asked to enter either an integer or a decimal number. The answer to question 24 is 10. Question 25 Answer: The answer to question 25 consists of 5 answer choices. B. 3. 0 C. 3. 5 D. 4. 0 E. 4. 5 F. 5. 0 This is the end of the answer key for Revised GRE Practice Test 1, Section 4.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

To the Lighthouse Symbolism

To the Lighthouse Summary: Part 1: The Window The novel starts in the Ramsays' summer home. Mr Ramsay tells to the family that will take them to the Lighthouse on the next day but it wasn’t possible due to bad weather. This makes a certain tension between James the son of the family and his father because he really wants to get to the Lighthouse. In this part Lily Briscoe attempts to paint a portrayal of Mrs Ramsay and her son James. Part 2: Time passes This second part gives the feeling of time passing and also death. Ten years pass, during which the four-year  First World War  begins and ends and also Mrs Ramsay passes away.Part 3: The Lighthouse In the final part the remaining members of the Ramsay family return to their summer house ten years after part 1. Mr Ramsay finally decides to keep his word and take his son James and his daughter Camila to the Lighthouse. In this section Lily attempts to finally complete the painting that she started in part 1. Upon finishing t he painting (and at the same time the sailing boat of Ramsay family reaches the lighthouse) and seeing that it satisfies her, she realizes that the execution of her vision is more important to her than the idea of leaving some sort of legacy in her work.Symbolism of the Lighthouse. Before launching into what Virginia Woolf might be talking about Lighthouse I’m going to take a few seconds to explain you what it is. The meaning of Lighthouse it refers to beacon it's something people who are lost can look towards for guidance and the light it moves around. When the night falls, it flashes on, and when the sun rises, it shuts off. So a lighthouse works as both a symbol of  stability  (as a beacon) and of  change  (as its lights go on and off with the turning of the day).Now, about this specific Lighthouse. We know that it's visible from the Ramsays' summer home but separated from it by a stretch of sea. And we know that, at least at first, James Ramsay  really  wants to get there – so much that when Mr. Ramsay says they won't be able to sail to the Lighthouse the next day, James Ramsay  goes very mad. But the Lighthouse also is a symbol for Traditional Family Structure. One important thing they share in common is that they're both guys. Another important thing is that they're both really into Mrs. Ramsay.Sure, one's her husband and the other's her son, but they feel they have to compete with each other for her attention. All this leads us to a roundabout way, the Lighthouse is potentially a symbol for family structure, and especially for the authority of the father in the traditional family. So the lighthouse is kind of a phallic symbol, and phallic symbols in literature often mean that there are daddy issues coming down the pike. In other words James and Mr. Ramsay are squabbling over who gets power over the family: Mr. Ramsay is the authority figure, so he gets to say â€Å"No! he weather will be bad! † And James is a rebel who 's all â€Å"Why  do you have to ruin  everything? In conclusion I have talked about the Lighthouse as a symbol for family authority and how control over getting to the Lighthouse has a lot to do with family power. But like the Lighthouse tower itself, the family as an institution is solid and unchanging. But individual families come and go as rapidly as a lighthouse of a beacon goes on and off – time changes the shape of all families. All families have their upon and down. Bibliography To The Lighthouse (Sparknotes Literature Guide). Edition: 2003

Monday, July 29, 2019

Tatoo is good Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tatoo is good - Essay Example The tattoos designs are not just restricted to anchors, skulls, and battleships but now, ways and designs have come under findings by the populace as a mean to express themselves. A tattoo that is profound into the skin is a perforate lesion, where needles come under the use to pierce into the skin of an individual and infusion of ink through that needle occurs to make some type of a design. Since the tattoos are deep-rooted into ones’ skin, this attribute of tattoos make them lifelong stay on the body. Initially, hands came under use in operating the practice of tattoo making and there was no mechanical way of doing it, but with the advancement in technology, the tattoo artist makes use of a machine (electric gadget) to make the tattoo. In some remote areas of the world, the practice of making tattoos is still manual. The tattoo making is not a new art, as it has been in practice from scores of generations across the globe. In some parts of the world despite of being popular, is it considered as a symbol of religious and divine dedication, awards or medals of gallantry, sexual attraction or expression of love, lucky or good luck charm, security, and as the marks of outsider, slaves and guilty. Different religions and cultures have different concepts, meaning, and impact of the tattoos and its symbols. In recent years, moreover people make tattoos to express their feeling to their loved ones, whether it be mother, father, siblings, children, or someone special. Even some individuals make tattoos for cosmetic, monument, and magical grounds to get themselves coupled or recognized with a particular social or ethnic group. Tattoo is not a new concept and has been in existence for more than five thousand years. Tattoo is an unintentional invention by a person who got a small injury, and rubbed that cut with the hands full of dirt with fire ashes. The mark stayed on a permanent basis, which came under notice after the healing of the injury. The history of tatt oos reveals the fact that tattoos has been in subsistence since the time of the civilization and has been present in many cultures around the world. Nevertheless, the modern history tells us that tattoos were most common amongst the military personnel in order to distinguish their identities in a particular group. Later on, it became in style amongst the common person (Diman, pp.121-150). People find tattoos, which is, making a symbol or picture on the body, as one of the artistic, unique, and innovative ways to broadcast everybody about the personality and their beliefs. People also use tattoos to express their harmony and shared/common views they have with another group, individual, or thoughts. Individuals even make tattoos in order to commemorate themselves with a significant and crucial incident or an event that is of high importance, value and meaningful for them due to the reason that a tattoo stays perpetually on their bodies. People often use tattoos as a symbol of articula tion and expression. They make tattoos in the form of images or symbols that represents their faith, trust, passion, and obsession. The individual emboss a tattoo on their body when they are confident enough to show their commitment it in front of the world. Few people even use tattoos as a tool to beautify their bodies. They consider their body as an unprinted picture, which with

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Freedom of Choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Freedom of Choice - Essay Example In some stories, the choices are more obvious than others. Updike’s â€Å"A & P† focuses entirely on the events leading up to Sammy’s life-changing decision. Although he does say, â€Å"it seems to me that once you begin a gesture it's fatal not to go through with it† (Updike 18), his original decision was based on his own personal worldview, in his appreciation of beauty. Although Sammy only makes a single choice in this short story, it is the choice that feels right to him. His manager even tries to persuade him to take another path, but Sammy refuses. In fact, in this case, to recant his decision would be to allow someone else to choose his fate. Although he knows his choices will make life hard, he deliberately chooses not the path that will make things hard, but the path that will ensure he does not turn into the story’s final image: Lengel, â€Å"His face†¦dark gray and his back stiff, as if he'd just had an injection of iron† (Upd ike 19). Sammy is choosing his own freedom, along with all its attendant difficulties. Steinbeck’s â€Å"The Chrysanthemums† paints a picture of a thirty-five year old woman who might seem somewhat trapped in her own life. However, the story shows that Elisa is still a strong woman who can make choices for herself. Although she says of the life of a tinker in a wooden caravan, â€Å"It must be very nice. I wish women could do such things† (Steinbeck 258), she knows that she can do anything the visitor can do. Further, she has the power of her magic â€Å"planters’ hands†.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Extra credit Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Extra credit - Assignment Example That is happened because of number social, ethical, moral and legislative problems that are connected with the discussed process. The dimension of social problems is connected with the relatives and friends of a patient who desired to die. The matter is that close people of a patient do not always share his/her decision and attack doctor with the reproaches of poor treatment or bad medication. That is considered to be a situation of emotional tension that is not pleasant for both health care professionals and patient’s close people. It is important to mention that the ethical issue is regarded as highly difficult and ambiguous for the physician particularly. It is admitted that health care professional are in need to perform everything possible for the health and comfort of a patient (Pozgar, 2013). In the situation when a patient desired to make the assisted suicide the role of performer comes to the doctor. He/she is considered to be a person who takes the life of the other person. The problem of quality of life stays as an important issue in front of the health care professional. Ethic is closely connected with the moral side of the discussed issue. Helping a sick person with no chance for a normal life is on one side, while becoming a ‘murder’ is on the other side. Such ambiguity makes the situation difficult and unpleasant from the point of view of ethics and moral. The last but not the least is the problem that is connected with the legal aspect of the assisted suicide. It should be admitted that the norms and regulations of this procedure is registered by the government and public law (Pozgar, 2013). What is important is that â€Å"the legislative and executive branches in our system are uniquely well equipped to pursue these issues† (Pozgar, 2012). It is relevant to follow all the regulations that are predetermined by law for the sake to avoid troubles with law. The matter is that

Friday, July 26, 2019

LETTER FROM BIRMINGHAM JAIL, the trial and death of socrates book Essay

LETTER FROM BIRMINGHAM JAIL, the trial and death of socrates book - Essay Example t or wrong - acting the part of a good man or of a bad.† (Plato, 48) Socrates believed that danger and fear of death are irrelevant from a moral standpoint and he provides significant illustrations from the Greek epics, suggesting that Achilles never had any thought of death and danger. A man ought to remain in the place which he has chosen or that in which he has been placed by a commander at hour of danger and he should not think of death or of anything, except about disgrace or shame. Socrates condemns danger and fear of death as the source of all unwise deeds and they lead one to disgraceful or shameful deeds in life. â€Å"For this fear of death is indeed the pretence of wisdom, and not real wisdom, being the appearance of knowing the unknown; since no one knows whether death, which they in their fear apprehend to be the greatest evil, may not be the greatest good. Is there not here conceit of knowledge, which is a disgraceful sort of ignorance?† (Plato, 49) In shor t, Socrates provides convincing description and illustrations for the â€Å"virtuous life†, danger and fear of death, and â€Å"shame†. According to Socrates, the laws of Athens will be damaged if he escapes his death sentence and he provides striking reasons for claiming so. Socrates believes that a State cannot subsist and be overthrown, if the decisions of law have no power, but are set aside and overthrown by individuals. Every citizen of Athens, especially a clever rhetorician as Socrates, should have a good awareness of the evil of setting aside the law which requires a sentence to be carried out. Socrates believes that he has been in an important contract or agreement with the laws of Athens according to which he should abide by the sentence of the State. Thus, he fears the contempt of the state for not obeying this contract. â€Å"Tell us what complaint you have to make against us which justifies you in attempting to destroy us and the State? †¦ Has a philosopher like you failed to discover

Indias Participation in Global Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Indias Participation in Global Economy - Essay Example The Indian society is now subject to western imperialism and quite a distinct reflection of the western culture, styles, and language and business activity. The economic environment of India, after the reforms has predominantly changed from socialist policies to more liberal policies, facilitating an expansion of international trade. Some cultural values are very strongly established amongst the Indian workforce and may deter further expansion of international trade but Indian culture is one of business orientation because of its historical significance and industrial background and thus strongly supports trade activity. Yet there remain some economic challenges that may deter further growth of the economy. These include an inadequate infrastructure to support a growth rate of 8%. With so much international pressures to quality conformance and timely production, India must invest in up gradation of its ports, rail networks, roads, and power and water supplies. Hence, in order for Ind ia to capitalise on its economic benefits, it must overcome these economic challenges and increase its international market presence by developing indigenous brands and thus expanding international trade. 1.Problem Identification and Analysis With the highest population in the world of about 1.1 billion, second largest to China, India has made its way amongst the world’s leading economies in the year 2007. ... ccording to the World Bank Report, its economic growth rate was 8%, close to 10.4% of China, despite the high dependence of its economy on the agricultural sector (World Bank 2004). Recently the economy has moved towards massive production orientation in the manufacturing sector and there has been an observable proliferation of information technology and telecommunications. It is the augmentation within this sector, the software companies and call centres that have fuelled the economic growth in India. India has developed the right infrastructure to facilitate this rapid economic growth through development of an educated, English speaking workforce and thus has become a hub for outsourcing for large multinationals and overseas services to US companies (Banik 2007). Many companies like Ford Motors, General Motors and software companies have subcontracted their business services including customer service support, business support and troubleshooting computers, to this sector of Asia. Moreover, the country also has some skilled personnel to conduct customer surveys and research that provides the foundation for its international trade. Many companies are considering outsourcing their most expensive marketing process that is research, to the low cost researchers in India (Suresh 1999). The main reason that has fuelled this structural change is the emergence of a class characterised with young business professionals. It is also the culture of the country that promotes diligence, struggle and goal orientation (Kumar and Agarwal, Liberalization, Outward Orientation and In-house R&D activities of multinationals and local firms 2000). Therefore, the impact of globalization has been tremendous on Indian economy. With more and more companies looking to outsource in attempt to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Gymnastic Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Gymnastic Techniques - Essay Example Many components work together to make a gymnastic composition successful. An element is the shortest gymnastic exercise that is complete ((Jastrjembskaia, Titov 1999 pg 4). Each element consists of different movements of some of the various body parts (movements may be with or without apparatus). A movement is change in the orientation or position of the whole body or one of its parts. In a competition, judges judge each element according to some characteristics. These characteristics include originality, degree of difficulty, virtuosity of performance and mastery Each element technique has its own basis which includes the movements of the exercise and which distinguish an element from other elements (Jastrjembskaia, Titov 1999 pg 4). The basis of an element technique develops from independent preparatory, main and finishing phases. In the preparatory phase, all the body movements of the technique are involved in preparing a way for the main phase. For instance, a gymnast needs a preparatory phase to attain good speed or rotary motion to throw an apparatus. The main phase of the element includes all the movements performed according to the objective of the element (Jastrjembskaia, Titov 1999 pg 6). For instance if a gymnast is about to perform jump or leap the main objective is the gymnast's flight. If a gymnast is about to throw an apparatus then the main objective is the apparatus's flight. In finishing phase, a gymnast completes the objective he started in the main phase. The gymnast also changes his direction or speed of motion in this ph ase. For instance, in order to land from a leap, a gymnast in finishing phase stops his momentum and speed that he needed to make the leap. Spondylolisthesis among GymnastsYoung female gymnasts engaged in training and practice all year round place excessive demand on their back all year round. In a study, on one hundred female gymnasts, incidence of pars intercularis defect was four times higher than the incidence of 2.3% reported in general female Caucasian population (Jackson, Wiltse and Cirincione, 1976, pg 68). In another study young female Caucasian volunteers participated that represented their different teams in gymnastic competition from national to international levels (Jackson, Wiltse and Cirincione, 1976, pg 68). In the study, a questionnaire answered by each girl listed her height, weight, hours of practice per week and years in competition. In this study, eleven of one hundred females evaluated had bilateral L5 intercularis defects (Jackson, Wiltse and Cirincione, 1976, pg 68) Six of these had first-degree spondylolisthesis of L5 on S1. Eighty-nine had no pars intercularis defect. Of these eighty-nine girls, nineteen had an episode of back pain signinificant enough to interfere with their training. In the group of girls with spondylolisthesis, six of the eleven had prior back pain (Jackson, Wiltse and Cirincione, 1976, pg 68) . The girls with pars defects described their pain as dull aching and cramping. It was persistent and usually not related to specific injury but was aggravated markedly by activities like hyperextension (Jackson, Wilt

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Initiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Initiation - Essay Example Theseus sends his illegitimate son, Hippolytus to live in Troezen with his great-grandfather where he expected his stepson to inherit the rule of Troezen. Hippolytus only worshipped Artemis, the goddess of hunt, and failed to acknowledge the other gods. This angered the other gods in particular Aphrodite, the goddess of love. As a result Aphrodite plots Hippolytus’s death by making Phaedra, his step-mother, to fall in love with him (Gieseler 17). Aphrodite causes Phaedra to desire Hippolytus but her stepson is chaste. Hippolytus refuses the advances of his stepmother, who ultimately commits suicide because of this rejection. In her suicide letter to her husband Theseus, Phaedra accuses his stepson of raping her. After reading the paper, Theseus curses his stepson and the curse ultimately leads to his death. Hippolytus as a prince was expected to undergo an initiation process in order to become a member of Pandion’s land. It was during this solemn mystic rite event that her stepmother, Phaedra notices him and develops intimate feelings for him; influenced by the power of Aphrodite In the mythological essence, Hippolytus has no major character flaw that might make him the protagonist of this poem. His only mistake is turning down the advances of his stepmother, in a bid to stick to his chaste principles. His death is tragic, in the very least, but he lacks a major character flaw that led to the downfall of renowned protagonists such as Brutus (Gieseler 24). His father, on the other hand, is blinded by revenge and curses his son. Hippolytus is cursed by people he dearly loved, Theseus, for a sin he never committed. The death of Hippolytus does not fit death of a child motif. His father asked, â€Å"Woe is me! Is it a child’s life death robs me of?† (Gieseler 21). Death of a child motif is always applicable when a child dies without his or her parents’ involvement. However, in the play, Theseus’s curse on his son leads to his death. Hippolytus

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Problems and Prospects of Global Governance Regime in Migration Essay

Problems and Prospects of Global Governance Regime in Migration - Essay Example The paper tells that the usage of the term global governance is quite complex. In modern international relations, the policy as well as the academic origins of the term merged substantially. It has been noted that the definition of the term global governance, the degree of governance, what it controls and how, tend not to be explicit in the increasing literature on the subject. Global governance has been created in response to the evolution of trans-boundary issues. There are numerous issues which tend to be trans-boundary to an extent since the characteristic of the problem is one that goes beyond the borders and thus cannot be dealt with by a single state acting in remoteness. A few of the significant trans-boundary issues are climate alteration, transmissible diseases, international trade, terrorism and transitional crime. States have tried to create forms of institutionalised international cooperation in order to address the problems. Globalisation, because of rising trans-bounda ry interconnectivity, has developed a growing requirement for governance that goes beyond the nation-state. The requirement for global governance is related with globalisation and the need to state cross-border spill-overs as well as externalities. However, one of the modern expressions of globalisation has been international migration. By its definition, it is considered as a trans-boundary problem which is not possible for the states to address individually. It has not been successful at creating a rational, multilateral global governance framework. (Dito, 2000). Global migration governance is based upon variety of formal as well as informal institutions which operate at numerous levels of governance. It is worthy of noticing the fact that the institutions that control states’ responses to human trafficking as well as smuggling are not alike the states that tend to monitor responses to skilled labour migration. In each class of migration, there is multifaceted range of regi onal, inter-regional, and bilateral agreements with distinct level of governance possessing greater significance with regards to certain categories of migration in comparison to others (Dito, 2000). Migration Defined Internationally According to the United Nations’ (UN) suggestions in the data related to international migration, an international migrant is someone who alters his or her home country. When a person does this for at least one year, then such person is known as long-term migrant. On the other hand, a short-term migrant is someone who tends to alter his or her country and moves to another country for a time frame of as a minimum three months, however below a year, except in cases where the movement to that particular country is for recreation, business, visiting friends and relatives or religious pilgrimage. The characteristics of the duration measures the period of the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Civil Rights vs Public Order Essay Example for Free

Civil Rights vs Public Order Essay Civil Rights means that people have the right to be treated no better or no worse than any other of their fellow citizens. It is the rights to personally liberty for everyone. Most importantly, it’s their freedom. Here in recent years, we have been giving up many of our civil rights in the name of public order. I’m going to present evidence to back up my opinion. Whereas I must first define what public order is. Public order is the idea that everyone in the public behaves themselves. It’s the lack of crimes being committed and everybody obeying the laws and rules. Public order itself means everything is safe and secure. This in itself is a great thing, but at what cost? My example would have to be 9/11 and the after effects of terrorist threats. Our nation was attacked by terrorists that had hijacked airplanes. Flights are grounded for a while after this event. Flights once again resume. Every so often, there is a threat of terrorism involving an airplane. To maintain public order in the airports and on the planes themselves, new rule about flying had to be implemented. Airport security now has the power to see inside of our clothing, they get can conduct the most invasive of searches, and can even pull you out at random for additional screening. In the wake of these events, many people have been outraged about all of the invasive procedures they need to undergo just to make a flight to see someone. This has also affected the sale of airline tickets, as a lot of people are no longer willing to put up with it in order to fly. Many civil rights taken away right there in the name of safety. My opinion on this matter is actually quite simple. I honestly believe things were better in a pre 9/11 world. Flying used to be such a great experience. Not only has security changed, but what you can and can’t take on board an airplane has as well. They want to pull out things as harmless as video games, cigarettes, and a bottle of water. Our society functions a lot better when it didn’t have to be constantly watched.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

An Individuals Identity Is Formed By Society Media Essay

An Individuals Identity Is Formed By Society Media Essay An individuals identity is formed by society in which media plays a predominant role. There is a daily interactive relationship between the subject and the object, that is, human agents and the conditions of their subsistence, respectively. Theories of the individual emphasize on differences between people and deem these differences as natural. Individuals are constituted as the possessors of positions throughout the effects of social relations. Alternatively, other theories of the topic concentrate on peoples general experiences in society through watching TV, surfing the internet or reading the newspaper. It is these general experiences that are the most significant way of distinguishing who we are. Thus, subject identity is a social construction, not an ordinary one. When we connect with the media, we act and are acted upon, use and are used by the system. Ideology is not precise, but implicit in images, structures, and sign systems evident in the media which task is to establish the individuals as subjects. We have social identities conferred unto us, mainly through the mass media. For example, take the popular medium of magazines. Magazines are an easy way of targeting the exact audience that has been set out to be. This is important as not only are individuals capable to choose which magazine they would desire to read but they are also capable of utilizing it to assemble their own identity. One of the most outstanding images found in magazines is that of the thin and beautiful model, numerous females would glance at these images as a source of inspiration as to what their bodies should look like and would think that they were inadequate if they do not look like the models featured. For example a perfume by Giorgio Armani called Sensi, saying that I sense, therefore I am and a model lying across a table giving the impression that one must need this perfume in their everyday life, and the emphasis on womens fragrance. Our society today has been affected in such a materialistic world that it is so easy for advertisers to promote any old debris and still be assured that consumers will buy into it, regardless of the cost of the product. The media has us brain washed very well, and know how and what to promote to us in a very effective way. It is through the modern media apparatus that people achieve a sense of identity. There is no doubt that contemporary media is a culture possessed with the self. Via the mass media we are told ways in which to develop the self. We buy books, read articles in the newspaper, and we watch lifestyle programs. The mass media supply us with the talent to transform, create, re-create and mass produce identity. The media permits us to transform the very way we think of ourselves, for that reason it allows us to become and be seen the way we desire to be. A popular contemporary medium for transformation is found in the ability of an individual to build a web page on the internet. It offers a unique opportunity to write ones self on a global stage and for the author to believe about their identity. Generating such pages offers an exceptional chance for self-presentations in relation to several dimensions of social and individual identity to which one chooses to allude. We seek to be as straightforward as we would like to present ourselves to the human race. This technology is greatly about viewing ourselves a certain way, as it is about having other people view us. By abstracting oneself onto a web page, one sets a target to which one must stand true. It is understandable that due to the contemporary media with which we engage it is more likely that instead of achieving, experiencing and learning our identity, we are more likely to purchase and use our identity. Since personality is largely a subject of outward behavior and appearance, individuals begin to use consumption as a means of creating a social self. Thus identity becomes constructed, rather then exposed and variable, rather than preset. A fundamental support in the construction of identity is fashion. The problem with this type of construction is that by dressing a certain way, the fashion industry offers a new you. In acquiring certain styles of fashion and particular brands, people consequently relate themselves with the meanings embedded in those goods. These modified meanings thereby become piece of the perceived self. It creates a fake ideology, a mask for one in which one can change who they are by means of changing the way they dress. For example, Jerry Seinfeld i s backing up American Express Michael, Paul Reiser wants you to use ATT, and Jordan is selling you Gatorade. Why do these famous stars emerge on commercials and show up in ads? The idea is to subliminally give the product traits that it never even deserves, like wealth, fame, and even success. When you see Michael Jordan drink that Gatorade and then go for a 360 slam-dunk, they desire you to think that, Hey maybe if I drink Gatorade, I can turn into as great a basketball player as Michael Jordan. Now when you see someone like Jerry Seinfeld with American Express, they want you to think, If somebody as prestigious and successful as Jerry Seinfeld adores American Express, then it MUST be a great card to have. Besides the less obvious, there is just the fact that someone needs a famous celebrity to present and sell their product, rather than some ordinary person who holds no social figure in society. Society and mass media are primarily split between different desires, interests, and engagements, and so is the subject. There is an essential lack between personal identity and identification with the mass media: a gap that prevents identification from ending up in a state of clean identity. Identity is a case of building and articulation because as individuals we do not have a definite position in our social structure. We create identity in relation to those surrounding us and much of the cause for our own uncertainty about our identity is because the nature of society is endlessly changing. As beings that innately desire to be accepted, the way in which other people view and judge us has become of great importance. Hence as individual we all try to be as well as manage to conform to the ideas extended by the media. This is due to the detail that there is a need to feel part of a group, a want to feel as though one belongs, and to improve ones identity in the eyes of others. Studies report that communication allows young people to facilitate social involvement and thereby make a recognizable identity. Contemporary society and mass media produces the end of the individual, and encourages conformity. The mass media are responsible for brain washing the people of the paradox, your identity is only individual when it is the same as everybody else. The media operates as a needle which injects attitudes, ideas, and beliefs into the viewers who as a defenseless mass have little choice but to be influenced. As an outcome identities are assembled from the material generated by the media. The mass media establishments do have the authority to set the agenda, to select, to frame, to classify and to define appropriate issues. Consequently, media communication is a prearranged activity, which frames the social reality in accordance with the dominant ideology. The meanings that are collected from the media do not have to be final but are open to refashioning and reshaping. Ultimately we only get to choose from a selected few issues which reflect the interests of capitalists and large corporations. It is from these narrow issues that an individual assembles their identity. Certain standards and ideologies are imposed unto us, with no opposing views to counteract their influence. Thus, we can only illustrate from the cultural collection accessible to us. Mass communication can influence cognitive change amongst individuals, mentally order and manage the world for us and also plainly create conflict or violence between people in society. Therefore, authorities or interest groups who have enormous control on media especially the government, newspaper and television program producers need a proper consideration for media use as well as being accountable for consequences. Evidently the modern media penetrates everything that we bump into in our everyday life. The author of Understanding Power the Indispensable Chomsky, Chomsky showed how the conventional press is run by the political economy and how the spectator is made into a pawn. The author constructs a propaganda model in which he exposes how the government exploits the media to implement control over the people. The mass media, therefore, is a business tool that is used to program the population. The spectator is told what kind of desire he/she must have. The messages we obtain are selective, diverse, and contradictory. It is through the magazines, television, news papers and the internet that, at its disposal, society has a great deal of resources accessible to them. There is no such thing as a set identity; it is negotiable and constantly being altered in order to keep up with the altering nature of society as identity is assembled in relation to others. The media supplies us with tools, allowing us to develop into the person we want to be, and fit in with those around us. In my opinion media is a reflection of society, not the other way around. So if we want to really deal with violence, we should to start with ourselves, not with the media that is basically showing us the world as it is. You cant blame TV and music for all the unconstructive things that people do. Its the persons responsibility to be interpreting the message the correct way. You cant deny the fact that media does project wrong images towards young people but its how they interpret the messages and act in response to them thats important. Parents should explain to their kids that most of the stuff on TV is fictional. The majority of us watch TV; but most for people, these messages and images do not elicit nor drive impulsive behavior. However, because media has a huge impact on society, whatever is displayed and conveyed has a great effect on people, especially on younger minds. I think that violence and sex on TV and in music is used as the lone scapegoat as crime arises. The crime can only be blamed on the individual. Eminem and Marilyn Manson have the right to speak what they wish, people have the right to listen or not listen. But, no one has the right to murder. And if someone does commit murder, I dont think music, or violence that they see or listen to can or should be solely responsible for their crime. Is censorship the response to the problem of violent entertainment? Should we tell people what they can or cant read or watch? The simple respond to this question is no, we cant censor violent entertainment. Because of freedom of speech but there is a fair ratings system which works most of the time. Rappers, writers, performers, and singers write based on their life and what has gone on in it. A rapper raps with reference to poverty, shootings, and robberies, why? Because thats what the majority of them lived through. Eminem raps about things that board his nerves. Why? Because he lives with those feelings and emotions. People who use these artists as reasons to be brutal are wrong. Music and TV do not commit crime its the society and the people themselves. Thus I believe that although the media plays an essential role in defining who we are and establishing our identities, it does not govern our actions. 1. Parenti, Michael. Inventing Reality- Politics of News Media: St. Oartins Press, 1993. 2. Chomsky, Noam; Mitchell, Peter. Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky, 2002. 3. Lorimer, Rowland. Mass Communication in Canada, 1996. 4. Kilbourne, Jean. Killing Us Softly. (Video)

Operation management of Primark and Atlas Honda

Operation management of Primark and Atlas Honda INTRODUCTION The report describes the operation management of PRIMARK and the ATLAS HONDA LIMITED PAKISTAN which are two different companies in two different industries. PRIMARK in garment industry is a big retailer in the high streets for the readymade cloths which is basically belongs to tertiary sector (service) in which it distribute/sell the manufactured goods(cloths)in his retail stores and the ATLAS HONDA is a joint venture which manufacture and sell automobiles which is in manufacturing industry. This report is structured in a way that describe both companies 1: Competitive priority 2: Marketing strategy and also compare and contrast their operations in their industries and report also include the analysis of their internal factors as capacity planning, inventory management, quality control and the external factors as environment, innovation. After the report we will be able to understand the operating management of the two different industries which help us to gain knowledge to design one best operating model which help us in both industries. Before forwarding to the report structure as discuss above we need to know about both companies to be familiar with their operations. PRIMARK PRIMARK is the subsidiary company within the ASSOCIATED BRITISH FOODS and one of the biggest retailer in UK who sell readymade clothes with stylish fashion, design and variety at affordable prices. It focus on womenwear, menwear, childrenwear and home products. In 1969 the first store opened in DUBLIN(IRELAND) in the name of first Pennys store and till 1973 the number of stores reached at18 in all around the IRELAND, in the following year it expanded to GREAT BRITAIN and opened his first stores in DERBY and BRISTOL and in within next 10 years the number of stores become 22 in each. After expansion to GREAT BRITAIN, in 1995 PRIMAK applies the acquisition policy in his expansion and acquire first BHS ONE-UP discount chain in UK 16 stores,then CO-OP with 11 stores, 11stores from retreat ion of A C. After 2005 PIMARK moved to Europe for more expansion and opened stores in SPAIN,PORTUGAL,HOLLAND,GERMANY,BELGIUM. Till September 2010 it has 150 stores in UK. Its competitors are NEXT, ZARA, GAP, RIVER ISLAND etc which compete in different bases of competitive advantage. We take only UK market for the Primark business operation. Last access 10th march 2011 ATLAS HONDA LIMITED (AHL) PAKISTAN ATLAS HONDA LIMITED PAKISTAN is a joint venture of ATLAS GROUP and HONDA MOTOR CO.LTD which manufacture and sell motorcycles. The company was created by the merger of Panjdayar LTD and Atlas Autos LTD, in 1988. AHL manufactures and markets Honda motorcycles in collaboration with Honda Motor Company. The Company also manufactures various hi-tech components in-house in collaboration with leading parts manufacturers like Showa Atsumitech, Nippon Denso and Toyo Denso. Honda motorcycles are by far the largest selling motorcycles in the country with an unmatched reputation for high quality, reliability and after-sales-service. ATLAS HONDA manufactures four models of motorcycles 1: CD 70 2: CD 100 3: CG 125 4: CG 125 DELUXE Company has two big inhouse manufacturing capability at Karachi (Sindh) which manufactures 300 units of CD 70 only and Sheikupura (Punjab) plants which manufactures all four models. A vast and growing network of over 1600 sales service and spare parts dealers has been established in all over the country. Company has more than 60% of market share in Pakistan motorbike industry, it exports the products to Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Last access 10th of march 2011 COMPARISON/CONTRAST OPERATIONS IN BOTH ENTITIES In any organization the operation function is the part of organization which produces the products and services for that entity, it is not called with same name all the time but it is concerned with managing the core purpose of organization which produce some mix of products and services. nigel slack, stuart chambers, robert johnston , alan betts (2009).operations and process management. 2nd ed. england: pearson education limited. 1-1. In another words the operation is defined as the systematic design, direction and control of process that transform input into services and products for internal, as well as external. Primark and Atlas Honda are two different companies in two different industries, one is a retailer in service industry and 2nd is in manufacturing industry. the service sector create value or add value to the product and manufacture industry produce the tangible product so some similarities and contrast appeared in their operations which can be analyzed and criticize on the basis of their marketing strategy and their competitive priority. MARKETING STRATEGY Market strategy is developed by the entities to fill the gap between current performance and the forecasted performance which is the objective/targets of the entity to achieve, so the company develop the marketing strategy for its product in target market for targeted customers to make them aware to the products and service it provides. Cim,bpp, 76-77 2008 We can use the Ansoffs growth model which is used to analyze the product and market of the company in its marketing strategy. cim (2007). professional diploma in marketing. 3rd ed. london: BPP. 76-78. We will use this model to define and criticize the marketing strategy of the Primark and Atlas Honda. MARKETING STRATEGY STRATEGY PRIMARK AHL Market penetration Y N Product development Y Y Market development Y Y Diversification N N Primark has its objective of DELIVERING VALUES AND TRADE ETHICALLY last access 10th march 2011 Primark use the leaflets drop, ads on bus shelters, the London Underground and radio ads. university of wales, marketing, database source complete Above marketing strategy used by Primark for his new stores in BRITAIN and it opened six more new stores one of which is in the oxford circus. According to Ansoff model we can explain the marketing strategy of Primark as follows Market development strategy which is in new market in existing product so the entry from Ireland and to Britain and other European countries is the example of entry in new market. Product development is in new product in new market, so Primark products are women, men, child wears but it include homemade garments as well, product development strategy basically elicited the customers to come in the store for all his garment needs. But the problem in market development strategy is the high distribution cost which Primark used to distribute his merchandise which it get form Asian countries and distribute them to his different stores which cost him high and reduce his profit. 498429.htm. Market penetration is to enter in the market with the low price to compete in the market as the GILLETTE company sell his MACH 3 new product in the market on 60% of cost which is the best example of market penetration to enter in the market with low price, so the entrance of Primark in the BRITAIN garment industry is the market penetration in the presence of GAP,NEXT etc, with low cost strategy, but market penetration strategy has the main criticize is that it starts the price war in the market and through the small entities out of business Diversification is to diversify from the industry to another industry which comes into unrelated diversification so the parent company of Primark ASSOCIATED BRITISH FOOD, who diversify from food to garment is the unrelated diversification. But Primark has it self not any diversified activity in any other industries. ATLAS HONDA use mostly the electronic media for his products marketing as internet, television ads, salesmen etc. For CD 70 and CD 100 Atlas Honda target middle income families and mostly these bikes used in villages due to the brand loyalty and durability. CG 125 and CG125 DELUXE these both bikes target the special segment of market with the customers who want to pay more for high speed and beauty of the products. DIVERSIFIATION is the Honda joints venture in Pakistan as Atlas Honda is his related diversification in motorbike industry. The problem with Atlas Honda in his joint venture is that it manufacturing units in Pakistan and the changing political parties and insecurity affecting its this diversified product making units which affect the motorbike production and the business as well. Product Development is the four type of product CD 70, CD 100, CG125, CG125 DELUXE are the example in market for product development, the Atlas Honda believe in quality in return of high prices which opened the ways for his competitors with low cost and low price strategy like Chinese company STAR, SOHRAB, LIFAN etc. which affect the market share ( 63% in Pakistan) and the profit of the company. Market Development strategy of ATLAS HONDA is it exporting the products to Bangladesh and Afghanistan is its market development in other countries, this means the distribution cost will be high for Atlas Honda and affect his sale and profit in the market. COMPETITIVE PRIORITY Competitive priority include low cost operations, top quality, consistent quality, delivery speed, on time delivery, development speed, customization, variety and volume flexibility, these are the competitive priorities which set a company aside and superior to the rest of the companies in the industries by the result of his operations, it is not necessary that a company acquire all of them to compete but it can get any mixture of them to perform well. Under we show the similarity and contrast in the competitive priority of the PRIMAK and ATLAS HONDA LIMITED. It is need to be cleared that under the table the element of competitive priority is categorized in four broad concepts. COMPETITVE PRIORITY C.P PRIMARK ATLAS HONDA LTD QUALITY TOP QUALITY N Y CONSISTANT QUALITY Y Y COST LOW COST OPERATIONS Y N TIME DELIVERY SPEED N Y ONTIME DEIVERY N Y DEVELOPMENT SPEED Y Y FLEXIBILITY CUTOMISATION N Y VARIETY Y Y VOLUME FLEXIBILITY Y Y QUALITY Quality is different for different customers, quality is simply defined as the completeness of features, value for money, conformance of specification, reputation. Consistent quality In the case of Primark and the AHL both companies products have the similar feature of consistent quality as in the Primark in garment industry sell fashion cloths for men, women, children and homemade products and AHL in motorbike industry both meet their design and specifications on the continuous basis to maintain the consistent quality of their products Top quality on the other hand the AHL is manufacturing and selling the top quality motorbikes in the motorbike industry of Pakistan thats why AHL has 63% market share in the market but the Primark is selling low quality products in the garment industry of Britain against his major competitors GAP, NEXT, ZARA which is the major difference in both of companies. COST Cost feature include manufacturing cost, value added cost, running cost, service cost and selling price is included Low cost operations: Primark is the strategy of low cost on which it sell its outsourced garment products to the customers by adding its services with its efficiently designed and operation process (appendix 2).so this strategy in the motorbike industry of AHL in Pakistan is applied by Star company and Titan company is the example of low cost operations. So in the Primark business the low cost operations credit goes to its supplies from its suppliers who operating their activities in low wage and other low production cost countries like Bangladesh. But the AHL is differentiate strategy for its product so its premium charges for his products in the market and this example in the garment industry is the ZARA, NEXT, GAP etc in the garment industry of UK. AHL operations are in house system in which a efficient manufacturing process is undertaken with all new production and management techniques (JIT, MRP, TQM)and charge the highest price in the market. (appendix 1show the process of operation in both companies) TIME Time included the delivery time, manufacturing lead time, due date, frequency of delivery, rate of production of the entity. AHL has its two manufacturing plants one is in Karachi and 2nd is in Shekhupura, AHL has Karachi plant produce 300 units of motorcycle per day. AHL has design its process efficiently to minimize the manufacturing lead time and fulfill the customers orders on time but again this internal efficiency depend on suppliers relation and efficient supply chain. The production example given 300 units for Karachi plant is the best example of manufacturing speed which is short and good for the company and this in return help on time delivery system where demand occur. The Primark outsourced its garment products from ASIAN countries mainly from Bangladesh, so according to the nature of the business in its industry the Primark has face fast development speed in the products because its products become out of fashion very fast so Primark has need the good relationship with its supplier because of its fast changing industry nature so wants the continuous deliveries. AHL also used the product development in its manufacturing plants in KARACHI and SHEHUPURA for introduction of new products. FLEXIBILITY Flexibility include the customization, variety and the volume of the production. The AHL production have all the customization, variety and volume features are included for example the four different products it produce is one feature of customization, variety and volume in production process is to support larger volume production and quickly manage within fluctuating demand which is again come in AHL production system in which it produce four type of customized motorbikes for targeted customers market with the production capacity of 600000 per year. The variety and volume flexibility is also seen in the Primark retail stores in which large amount of fashion cloths for all men, women and children are on the shelf and in the warehouses but the customization is in the product is not inside its process because it sell the products TO general public in the market. B: criticize 1: CAPACITY MANAGEMENT Capacity information is used by the companies to analyze and maximize their output, understand the companies capacity cushion and use the information for long and short term decision for expansion strategies. Capacity planning is a systematic approach to three issues pertaining to capacity,estimating the amount of capacity required, evaluating the alternative methods to augmenting the capacity and devising methods to use capacity effectively. b.mahadeven (2007). operations management theory and practice. new delhi: dorling kindersley. 219-221. The firm go through the situation of overcapacity, appropriate capacity and inappropriate capacity. The size, time and capacity become the constrains in the organizations. The company use the expansion and see and wait policy to cope when they face the constrains for example the BRITISH AIRLINE use the seats as his capacity, PRIMARK floor space and the ATLAS HONDA use his machines or the process in the one constrain theory as a capacity which become the constrain at the time of demand. In short time company use to manage itself within capacity but in long term it use to expand by acquisition or investment in the operation process. The capacity management take long time to manage if it applied by expansion policy with the large investment in operations to cope with demand but in short term lose the increased demand. Capacity planning included the judgment with based on the experience and the capacity planning used to get the economy of scale but after an specific point this benefit turns into the marginal increased unit cost which start to reducing the profit. b.mahadeven (2007). operations management theory and practice. new delhi: dorling kindersley. 219-235. Inventory management. Inventory management can be defined as Systems and processes that identify inventory requirements, set targets, provide replenishment techniques and report actual and projected inventory status. The companies use the different inventory methods for managing inventories 1: Just in time (JIT) In the JIT method the company use the pull strategy according to which it place orders when it requires for production or demand by customer. CIMA P7, CIMA PUBLISHER,2005 2: Economic Order Quantity(EOQ) The EOQ system is a quantitative method for inventory management , which minimize the inventory holding cost and ordering cost by use of a formula : à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡2*A*CP/CH 3: SAFETY STOCK Is a PUSH POLICY, safety stock is normally used traditionally to cope with unanticipated demand so the large buffer stock is retained in the big warehouses to manage with the unforeseen demand otherwise the company lose the sales and there will emerge the danger to lose the customer so company pay more to stock the inventory and pay more to stocking. 4: ABC INVENTORY is use to cauterize the inventory according to their value in organization . The companies used to manage their inventory because on average, 56 cents out of every dollar of revenue (i.e. 56 percent of revenue) to cover the direct cost of purchased goods, with this percentage figure being even higher for the typical wholesaler or retailer (Monczka et al., 2002; Handfield, 2002). Add to this figure the indirect cost of having to manage inventory of purchased goods (which has been estimated to be 30-35 percent of the value of purchased goods see Chase et al., 2004)and the total cost of purchased goods inventory can be quite alarming. The inventory management need the investment and warehouse which used by PRIMARK who received the outsourced supplies and distribute to other stores in Europe which cost him high and reduce profit. The inventory management polices as JIT and ABC systems want the basic changes in operation and the process and affect the emplyees as well to understand the them. New inventory policy as JIT want supplier commitment because it change the whole supply chain and want the amendment in suppliers system so it affect all supply chain system. organizational management and information system,2005,oxford,c.i.m.a The PRIMRK and the AHL need to decide the inventory management system before the decision of capacity management because the JIT system not need high investment on expansion policy. PERFORMANCE MEASURE Here we use two type of performance measure 1: Multidimensional performance measure Balance scorecard 2: Qualitative performance measure Matrices 1: BALANCE SCORECARD The balanced scorecard translates mission and strategy into objectives and measure into four different perspectives provide a framework, a language, to communicate mission and strategy, it uses measurement to inform employees about the drivers of current and future success. By articulating the outcomes the organization desires and the drivers of those outcomes, senior executives hope to channel the energies, the abilities, and the specific knowledge of people throughout the organization towards achieving long term goal. It should be used as a communication, informing, and learning system not controlling. (adopted, Kaplan and nortan, 1996, p.25) Balance scorecard does not lead to a single aggregate summary control for example if we use RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI) it conveniently show how things are going. No clear relation between the BSC and shareholders value. Measure may give conflicting signals and confuse management. For example high customer satisfaction lead to falling financial indicators. BSC involves substantial shifts in corporate culture to implement. So if the AHL and the PRIMARK use the balance scorecard for their performance measure the above problems also occur in the system. So the capacity management and the inventory management comes in the internal business process part of the balance scorecard. Supply chain value Normally porters value chain model used for analyzing the operating process in manufacturing industry but we can use it in service industries as well. These activities are linked with each other to create value for the customer in the product and service. (appendix 1 shows the value chain of both companies). But the supply chain value add two more componenets in the value chain. Supply value chain à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ company value chain à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ customer value chain According to a July 16 report in The Wall Street Journal, Nissan Motor Co. halted production at four factories in Japan and at two auto manufacturing plants in the United States for three days in July due to a delay in the shipment of engine control units from supplier Hitachi Ltd. Hitachi officials said the delay was caused by a shortage of semiconductor chips from its suppliers. Nissan, which had adopted the Lean model about five years ago and dramatically reduced its inventory, said the production stoppage will reduce the companys output by 15,000 vehicles. However, Lean expert Matt Wrye, who writes the Beyond Lean blog (, said that Nissans issues were the result of a misapplication of Lean techniques. If you had hiccups in procurement, Lean behavior would ask questions around what are the hiccups in procurement, he wrote. Then Nissan would solve [these] problems, not arbitrarily start to add more suppliers just in case they have a similar hiccup in the future. last access 22 march 2011 Total Quality management TQM is a process and philosophy of achieving best possible outcomes from the inputs, by using them effectively and efficiently in order to deliver best value for the customer, while achieving long term objectives of the organization. r.ashley.rawlins (2008). total quality management. london: authur house. 5-10. TQM involves the three main components Customer satisfaction involve conformance to specification, value, fitness for purpose, support, psychological impression Employee involvement include cultural change, teams. Continuous improvement is based on the philosophy of KAIZEN theory, to improve in each aspect of the entity. Quality as four type of cost Prevention example check the inbound logistic Appraisal example quality of inbounds Internal failure include cost of failure before sell to customers External failure example warrantee, guarantee TQM is the continuous improvement in the product and services which is not enough because the quality is what the customer so the AHL not only continuous improve the process but also make sure the customers needs in his products. TQM is not easy to apply but it needs a long time to internalize in the companies all aspect and it is also expensive for any company for example if Primark want the quality in his services it need to implement in each activity. TQM want the employee commitment so it is not easy to get the person to do what you want . TQM wants the cultural change in the organization which is a challenge for the organization and if not implemented successfully its become the danger for the companys survival.;col1 last access 21 march 2011 1:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Theme of William Wordsworth as a Prophet in Tintern Abbey Essay

Poet as Prophet When I spoke last, I ended with the image of Wordsworth as a monk or priest-like figure zealously converting Dorothy and, by extension, the reader into a position within his vision of the world. But even more than priest, Wordsworth often depicts the romantic poet as prophet. This depiction is demonstrated more clearly in "The Prospectus to the Recluse" than in "Tintern Abbey." In the 1814 version of the "Prospectus" he writes: Paradise, and groves Elysian, Fortunate Fields -- like those of old Sought in the Atlantic Main -- why should they be A history only of departed things, Or a mere fiction of what never was? For the discerning intellect of Man, When wedded to this goodly universe In love and holy passion, shall find these A simple produce of the common day. (47-55) Similar to his vision in "Tintern" where perceptions are both half created by the imagination and half perceived by the senses, here Wordsworth declares that for those who recognize its power, the human mind, or imagination, can meld with nature, can heal the split between nature and mankind, the sublime and the beautiful, to re-create an edenic heaven on Earth. Wordsworth then goes on to assert: -- I, long before the blissful hour arrives, Would chant, in lonely peace, the spousal verse Of this great consummation -- and by words Which speak of nothing more than what we are, Would arouse the sensual from their sleep Of Death, and win the vacant and the vain To noble raptures (56 - 62) Wordsworth, as the romantic poet-prophet, has a preview of ... ...e romantic era ends with the sublimated subject removed from any experience outside that reflected by the romantic centre -- an ironically alienating end to a movement that began in an attempt to unite with the universe. Bibliography Abrams, M.H, General Ed. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 4th ed. Vol. 2. New York: Norton and Company, 1979. Althusser, Louis. "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses." Lenin and Philosophy and other essays. Translated from the French by Ben Brewster. London: New Left Books, 1971. 121-173. Wordsworth, William. "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey." Abrams, Gen. Ed. 155-158. ---. Preface to Lyrical Ballads." Abrams, Gen. Ed. 160-175. ---. "Prospectus to The Recluse." Abrams, Gen. Ed. 227-230. ---. The Prelude, or Growth of a Poet's Mind. Abrams, Gen. Ed. 257-313.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Dictatorial Prospero of Shakespeares The Tempest Essay -- Tempest

The Dictatorial Prospero of The Tempest      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Motivation often propels people to achieve high goals. Sometimes, however, motivation is too strong a tool and can manifest into selfish desires. The exploitation of the weak invariably results from the strong abusing their power, especially in a political setting. In William Shakespeare's ‘The Tempest’, Prospero is displayed as a tyrannical character who spawns a disastrous storm as part of a grand scheme to regain his title of Duke of Milan. His subsequent treatment of each character in the play, even his beloved daughter are purely based on his self-centered motives. Prospero can be seen as an overbearing racist, as well as a usurper to land that does not belong to him, but rather to Caliban. Being that Prospero's nature is dictatorial, every aspect of his life concerns achieving his narrow and self-centered goals of regaining political power through his former title of Duke of Milan.    Prospero treats his young daughter, Miranda, in a controlling way by sheltering her from the outside world and even devises a marriage for her to the son of his enemy, King Alonso to better his efforts of obtaining back the dukedom. Whilst Prospero is explaining how they once were royalty, he continually interjects "Dost thou attend me?" (1.2.77) and "Dost thou hear?" (1.2.106) to his acquies... ...ward. "Prospero: A Critical Study. " 336-82. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991. Corfield, Cosmo. "Why Does Prospero Abjure His 'Rough Magic,'" Shakespeare Quarterly. 36 (1985): 31-4 8. Curry, Walter C. "The Characters of Shakespeare's The Tempest," Early Early Modern Literary Studies. Vers. 5.1. May 1999. Levin, Harry. "Two Magian Comedies: 'The Tempest' and 'The Alchemist,'" Shakespeare Survey . 22 (1969): 47-58. Miko, Stephen J. "Tempest," ELH. 49 (1982): 1-17. Mowat, Barbara A. "Prospero, Agrippa, and Hocus Pocus," English Literary Renaissance. 11 (1981): 281-3 03. West, Robert. "The Mystery of 'The Tempest'. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1968.    The Dictatorial Prospero of Shakespeare's The Tempest Essay -- Tempest The Dictatorial Prospero of The Tempest      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Motivation often propels people to achieve high goals. Sometimes, however, motivation is too strong a tool and can manifest into selfish desires. The exploitation of the weak invariably results from the strong abusing their power, especially in a political setting. In William Shakespeare's ‘The Tempest’, Prospero is displayed as a tyrannical character who spawns a disastrous storm as part of a grand scheme to regain his title of Duke of Milan. His subsequent treatment of each character in the play, even his beloved daughter are purely based on his self-centered motives. Prospero can be seen as an overbearing racist, as well as a usurper to land that does not belong to him, but rather to Caliban. Being that Prospero's nature is dictatorial, every aspect of his life concerns achieving his narrow and self-centered goals of regaining political power through his former title of Duke of Milan.    Prospero treats his young daughter, Miranda, in a controlling way by sheltering her from the outside world and even devises a marriage for her to the son of his enemy, King Alonso to better his efforts of obtaining back the dukedom. Whilst Prospero is explaining how they once were royalty, he continually interjects "Dost thou attend me?" (1.2.77) and "Dost thou hear?" (1.2.106) to his acquies... ...ward. "Prospero: A Critical Study. " 336-82. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991. Corfield, Cosmo. "Why Does Prospero Abjure His 'Rough Magic,'" Shakespeare Quarterly. 36 (1985): 31-4 8. Curry, Walter C. "The Characters of Shakespeare's The Tempest," Early Early Modern Literary Studies. Vers. 5.1. May 1999. Levin, Harry. "Two Magian Comedies: 'The Tempest' and 'The Alchemist,'" Shakespeare Survey . 22 (1969): 47-58. Miko, Stephen J. "Tempest," ELH. 49 (1982): 1-17. Mowat, Barbara A. "Prospero, Agrippa, and Hocus Pocus," English Literary Renaissance. 11 (1981): 281-3 03. West, Robert. "The Mystery of 'The Tempest'. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1968.   

Essay --

Sex, drugs and rock-and-roll. These are just a few of the things that summon countless people to The Rocky Horror Picture Show on Friday and Saturday nights. An abundance of teens and people are either pulled in by someone in their family or group of friends and there are those who are merely pulled in and attracted by the peculiarity of the name of the show that brings up and causes a sense of interest and curiosity. What pulled me into it was my group of close of friends and their parents who grew up and relive the show and movie every Halloween. Many people go to discover themselves in a setting or group where they feel that they fit in and are accepted. Those people that normally get called freaks or loser go to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show because it has become a meeting ground where they are not labeled as a freak or loser. Each and everyone that attends the Rocky Horror Show have a unique individuality concerning them that is distinguished by all at each and every showing . Every time you see the Rocky Horror Show, you meet others who are like you and those who share the same interests as you. This sense of community and belonging helps to build friendships and bonds between the audience and the cast. It also creates a feeling of a second family in the theater and a unique feeling that goes with you no matter where you are in the theatre. Every week before the show, the cast calls up a random number of â€Å"virgins†, or first timers to the show, who are chosen to be called up in front of the audience. This in the real world outside of the theatre is called faking an orgasm. This humiliation is all in jolly good fun and is seen as the rite of way into the Rocky Horror community. The first time I went to the sh... eyeliner and â€Å"Misfit makeup†, as my friends called it, and left to go join my friends, groupies and new family at The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Water guns, playing cards, toast, rice, newspapers and the never ending â€Å"Time Warp† are always going to be part of the Rocky Horror Picture Show that has been accepting freaks, weirdoes and misfits since 1973. The people, the virgins, and the experiences may change through the years and the places in which you attend will too, but one thing will always remain the same. Every Friday and Saturday night in theaters across the nation and Great Britain, these people gather with their friends and family to watch one of the best movies and plays of the modern, psychedelic generation. When you go experience the show, you will never forget that being yourself is the absolute best thing you can ever do for you. Essay -- Sex, drugs and rock-and-roll. These are just a few of the things that summon countless people to The Rocky Horror Picture Show on Friday and Saturday nights. An abundance of teens and people are either pulled in by someone in their family or group of friends and there are those who are merely pulled in and attracted by the peculiarity of the name of the show that brings up and causes a sense of interest and curiosity. What pulled me into it was my group of close of friends and their parents who grew up and relive the show and movie every Halloween. Many people go to discover themselves in a setting or group where they feel that they fit in and are accepted. Those people that normally get called freaks or loser go to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show because it has become a meeting ground where they are not labeled as a freak or loser. Each and everyone that attends the Rocky Horror Show have a unique individuality concerning them that is distinguished by all at each and every showing . Every time you see the Rocky Horror Show, you meet others who are like you and those who share the same interests as you. This sense of community and belonging helps to build friendships and bonds between the audience and the cast. It also creates a feeling of a second family in the theater and a unique feeling that goes with you no matter where you are in the theatre. Every week before the show, the cast calls up a random number of â€Å"virgins†, or first timers to the show, who are chosen to be called up in front of the audience. This in the real world outside of the theatre is called faking an orgasm. This humiliation is all in jolly good fun and is seen as the rite of way into the Rocky Horror community. The first time I went to the sh... eyeliner and â€Å"Misfit makeup†, as my friends called it, and left to go join my friends, groupies and new family at The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Water guns, playing cards, toast, rice, newspapers and the never ending â€Å"Time Warp† are always going to be part of the Rocky Horror Picture Show that has been accepting freaks, weirdoes and misfits since 1973. The people, the virgins, and the experiences may change through the years and the places in which you attend will too, but one thing will always remain the same. Every Friday and Saturday night in theaters across the nation and Great Britain, these people gather with their friends and family to watch one of the best movies and plays of the modern, psychedelic generation. When you go experience the show, you will never forget that being yourself is the absolute best thing you can ever do for you.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

American history Essay

Sternberg ultimately suggests that Intelligence can be improved, and there are a number of findings to support his theory. There have been 2 very controversial pieces of research and publications however which not only disagree with the main principals of Sternberg’s theory, but have also provoked uproar since they have been released. The first publication which was to cause huge heated debate all over the world was that published by Jenson (1969), who said that those of Black origin scored on average 15 points below that of White people. He suggested that this was mainly due to the genetic makeup of Black people and that although environment may have been a factor; the main reason is the hereditability of intelligence. The next piece of literature which caused so much commotion when it was released was the ‘Bell Curve’ by Herrnstein an Murray (1994), which agrees with Jenson’s research, and also points out that those of low intellectual ability will generally lead difficult lives, are more likely to be inadequate parents themselves, and are also more likely to turn to drink, drugs and crime. Although these comments are highly controversial and politically incorrect, some of the points made are more than likely to be true, and can go some way to explaining why people find themselves in that position, however it would only be accurate if two factors did not play huge parts in the intelligence levels of individuals, the culture that individuals are exposed to, and the fact that intelligence is not fixed, and that there are plenty of studies that give evidence to back this up. The test that Jenson gave to the Black and White subjects in 1969 was no doubt culturally biased towards the white subjects, due to the levels of prosperity and education that each group were subjected to previously. Further studies have shown that Black children who were adopted by prosperous white families, and were subjected to the same level of schooling demonstrated improved levels of intelligence over children who had a similar genetic background. Adoption studies like these have often proven to be strong evidence for the nurture side of the debate; however one final area of concern in the nature/nurture debate is the topic of eugenics. Eugenics is the idea created by Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911), who was interested in the success of English dog breeders, who bred the strongest and best dogs together, and created many different varieties. He decided to start a movement which looked at the possibility of weeding out the bad individuals from the ‘good stock’ by getting humans to breed with those who have good properties and attributes, a fairly sick proposition even for the 19th century, and it was soon shut down because people decided to breed for love rather than genes. But nonetheless the term eugenics was created, and perhaps the most relevant example of eugenics in history is the Immigration Restrictions Act (1924) which was passed in America by President Coolidge, who was said to have proclaimed ‘America must be kept American’ as he signed the bill. On that day eugenicists are known to have won one of the greatest scientific racist battles in American history. Bibliography Cardwell, C. M. (2000). Psychology for A-level. London: Harper Collins. Dworetzky, J. (1994). Psychology. Minneapolis: West Publishing Company. Gross, R. (2005). Psychology, The science of mind and behaviour. London: Hodder Arnold. Hill, G. (2001). AS Level Psychology through Diagrams. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Handouts – T. Kearns

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

MBA Industry and Porter’s Five Forces Essay

MBA intentness The MBA train industriousness includes universities and colleges that offer pedantic courses and grant grad degrees. The general sine qua non for admission is a bachelors degree and GMAT scores. Some schools and programs also quest prior employment experience. Instruction is typically provided on physical campuses, although online teaching and opposite unconventional approaches are gaining popularity. For purposes of this paper, for-profit institutions or friendship colleges are not included in the exertion definition. The major forces that affect MBA food market place are emulation between reality and private business schools, buyers of business teaching including both students and employers, causation as the cite suppliers to the industry, and substitutes in the forms of alternative means of delivering graduate business education. Porter suggests that evaluation of these forces go out provide insights into the prospects for long-range profitability1 . Competition The MBA market in the United States is an unregulated industry that allows schools to develop their own distinctive styles and personalities, and to coiffe their own missions5.B-Schools consider it their mission to domesticate and seek, nevertheless face intense ram of managing faculty issues, finding new supporting sources and distinguishing themselves from competitors9, highschoollighting the most prominent areas at heart this category be, revenues, and report. Reputation is differentiated by rankings and accreditations, specializations and regional focus and flexibility10. Rankings drive how students, faculty, and employers recognize the MBA program. In eddy, how students, faculty, and employers perceive the MBA program drives rankings, resulting in developing a brand bring up for universities, leading schools to expend vast resources in pursuit of being highly rank or even ranked at all8. The prodigious cost associated with business education take h old left room for militant entry by low cost providers. B-Schools now face the reality that they must(prenominal) compete with the low-cost providers who can turn a profit because they are not burdened with the high fixed be of the bricks and mortar university4. As tuition only when exit not cover the costs of running an MBA program, funding is usually sourced from donations from alumni. approximately successful schools are usually ones approve by alumni that are willing and adequate to give back to their almamaters. Suppliers The most authorized suppliers to the MBA industry are the business school faculty who fill the teaching, research, and administrative roles with any MBA program. There is an increasing subscribe for pendent business faculty, while simultaneously in that location is a stagnating or decreasing hang on of such faculty. As the pool of high quality, freshly minted Ph.D.s is diminishing competition for associate and assistant professors is increasing. I nstitutions that can sustain to bid are becoming much aggressive in recruiting faculty from other(a) schools, inflating salaries beyond what some can afford10. rebellion salaries for new hires has encouraged experienced faculty to move to different institutions to receive throw raises of their own, and thus the market continues to stay exceedingly competitive. Buyers The buyers of graduate management education are either the students, employers, or both.With respect to the power of student as buyers, both the MBA programs and the students occupy some leverage. There is obviously monumental demand for the MBA degree from students because they believe that it will enable them to receive greater opportunities in their career, receive a higher salary, or launch them into a new career7. Employer preferences have a significant effect on market for MBAs. The employers demand for MBAs dictates the gambol availability and salary range, which is proportional to demand for MBAs. Emplo yers are always seeking the best value to raise their companys performance by enhancing employees abilities. What employers define as benefit, however, can range from training, which raises employee efficiency to higher-level education, which emphasizes life-sustaining thinking and complex problem declaration skills. Substitutes Most participants do not commemorate to challenge industry leaders but to offer tailored programs that appeal to sub-sets of their likely students. upside-ranked business schools have little expect to worry about substitutes. Consumer demand for the Top brand MBA will always outpace the supply.The same threat to mid and spurn tier schools, however, is real. The online and distance learning schools channelise the same students that would otherwise attend these schools forcing the land tiered schools to diversify their offerings6. Barriers to Entry The main barriers to entry for new entrants in MBA industry are infrastructure costs, gaining and ret aining good faculty, and gaining accreditation for courses. Schools must have a solid reputation to charge more tuition to attract students and afford goodprofessors that produce weapons-grade results among students. Furthermore, it can cost a significant amount of capital to perform research projects, which enable a school to signifier specialized facilities and can also extend to a strong reputation. While existence schools rely on public finances for financial aid, a large giving is essential for many institutions.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dutch Disease

Dutch Disease

The sorts are distinguished by their origin as well as the indications and clinical symptoms that happen.Later on 1970, when oil price soured by 4 times; UK was tempted to invest in North Sea oil industry in Scotland.Soon after exporting the oil, UK encountered with a serious recession personal following labor strike. Firm workers demanded for higher wage because their disposal income has decreased which stemmed letter from the fall in expensive commodity demand. UK has become a net export of oil and worth Pound got appreciated.Dutch disease is merely arithmetic.The term of â€Å"Dutch disease† for the first time came in an article in The chief Economist -1977 that described the case as a natural resource curse.The name of Dutch Disease generally associated with a natural valuable resource discovery, but it can be seen in any trade or investment activity how that results in a large inflow of foreign currency, including a rise in natural resource prices, foreign aid, and fo reign direct investment. The inflow of American treasures into Spain in 16th and gold discoveries in Australia in the 1850s are other two example of Dutch Disease diagnosis. By 1978, how this story repeated in Iran.

It normally contributes to a countrys currency appreciating in value.Russia is likely to be another innocent victim of this disease. Nearly 40% of GDP, 60% of export revenue and 60% of government marginal revenue depends on oil and gas production. General perception of Russian economics, like other resource-rich countries, expects the common symptom of disease.Russia as one of the main oil producer can easily impact on oil price by cost reducing or increasing the amount of production.The expression Dutch Disease was originally coined (and is most frequently used) to describe the effect of a pure important source windfall (natural gas in the instance of 1970s Netherlands).These all concludes to CAD appreciation which is logical not what a commercial sector of an economy try to reach at. Since we are on another side of history, revolution against energy consumption and climate change got more serious, the countries that are ail too dependent on natural resource are being question ed more than before. Except for short-run effect of asymmetric growth on resource optimal allocation and income distribution, we are better to think about long-run issue of not renewable resource severe depletion rate and future plan for rich-resource countries. 2.

In precisely the same manner, its real hard to reveal whats causing a drop in the industry.Increase in foreign currency 3. Foreign direct investment 4. Foreign aid 5. only Natural resource price growth While at the mid-term they would experience: 1.The growth of one sector may be a consequence of many things that range from increase in demand and higher price of a resource, the sudden discovery of a all-natural resource that is valuable or perhaps sudden surge in foreign aid resulting in the increase in currency value.Become a net import of manufactured goods 6. Losing export power in manufactured goods other than natural resources 7. Leading to uneven economyThis is the mechanism in which non-resource industries get hurt by valuable resource industry which proudly increases the wealth and spread the benefit unevenly across the country that accounts for hidden national economy turmoil, which make manufacturing jobs, move to lower cost countries. Canada logical and Oil Sand Feve r (3.

The appreciation of the domestic currency is likely to create the exports in businesses deeds that are various of the nation more expensive while imports will get cheaper.Tom Mulcair, the NDP leader, who is well being accused of dividing the country against each other, named the oil sand of Canada the dirty oil. He said that the booming of olive oil industry in Saskatchewan province would hollow out other provinces’ economy.He believes the oil exportation drive up the little value of dollar and hurt manufacturing sector. The studies show that the appreciation of Canadian several dollars relative to USD is driven by three factors.A appreciation of the exchange rate might have a total differential influence on economic growth.Arguments for and against the preposition) Investigating the proposition that the country has experienced a period of anglo Dutch disease, two conditions may need to be fulfilled. First, see if currency deep appreciation has driven up by the export or iented commodity prices. Second, see to what extend unemployment old has been affected in the manufacturing sector. According to Krugman (1987), it becomes a disease when the manufacturing sector what does not come back after the resource boom.

Competitiveness is lost by the country.(5. Government role to reduce the whole incident or mitigate the effect- foreign exchange intervention) â€Å"The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application. – Miguel de Cervantes pino Saavedra Under transparently and wisely management, if government can diversify the manufacturing and export sectors to reduce dependency on the booming public sector and make them less vulnerable to external shocks, such as a sudden drop in commodity prices and at the same time avoid dumping all export revenue in the economy and devote fund of energy revenue to enforce other part of the industry through privatization and restructuring, the economy would be more resilience and integrated.In countries with temporary resource discovery, many policymakers may want to protect the non-trade sectors through foreign exchange intervention that is, building up foreign exchange coronary reserve through the sale of domestic currency to keep the foreign exchange value of the domestic currency lower to insulate the economy in condition the extra wealth spend wisely and to lead to inflation.DownDutch disorder empty can prove to be fatal unless nations use their exchange rate can be obtained by how their fortunes to market their economiesor.Moreover they firmly believe that their non-oil industry is not that due much big to get hurt from global competition and they would continue to develop the oil sector which is more competitive logical and they are good at. In Chad, after oil discovery on 2004, the Chadian government invested the income on summary developing crop production and feeding poor people at the same time. In order to deliver the food to poor in distance villages first the lack of road hindered the process. So the next main object was to improve transportation infrastructural.

Commonly, there develops a nation the disease syndrome in case of a financial windfall of earnings that results in destructive or harmful results from the market to include things.There are twenty two policies how to spend the money. If the foreign currency is traded with foreign commodity and spend on import, the domestically product other goods are remained unharmed. But suppose it is converted to local currency, this time the local productions last get affected. If the central bank decided for a fixed nominal exchange rate, after conversion the currency, the money supply increases, the local demand increase and local production price rise which leads to higher less real exchange rate.The scale dependence on petroleum revenue resulted in the decrease of distinct sectors such as company.M. and J. P. Neary.

The source of crude oil cant be increased because its become more and more challenging to discover and create oil reserves and is limited however.†¢Coulombe, S. , R. Lamy and S. old Rogers (2007).Second, the petroleum sector infrastructure is in disrepair.htm †¢Ebrahim-zadeh, Christine (March 2003, Volume 40, Number 1). â€Å"Back to very Basics – Dutch Disease: Too much wealth managed unwisely†. Finance and Development, A quarterly magazine of the IMF. IMF.